Accepting God’s Peace

6 10 2009




We have been looking at the attributes of our God of Peace through a PEACE acrostic. Last time we looked at how having the peace of our God of Peace can encourage us, if we choose to and so today we look at how to “accept” peace from our God of Peace. 


A ccept

PHP 4:8-9 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me–put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.


If you have been reading along with me since this acrostic of peace was first published you will see I have changed the word acquire to the word accept, because as I began seeking the Lord I realized the peace of God is something we accept and it isn’t something we have to acquire, thus the change.


When the apostle Paul speaks of “putting into practice what you have learned, received, or heard from him, or seen in him,” that process begins by first accepting what you have learned, received, or heard as truth. This is the hidden lesson of this Philippians passage. The only way we can truly put something into practice begins by accepting it and then allowing it to go deeper to become part of our belief system.


Putting this into practice, we have learned that our God of Peace is willing and able to give us His peace, now we must understand our choices keep us from having peace in any situation. The battle to accept the peace of God is rooted in our will, because we have to give up control of the situation we face and realize we can not acquire peace by getting what we want, instead we must look to God, and let go to accept his peace and rest.  Romans 8:31 reminds us “If God is for us, who can be against us?”


Far too often we want the pain to end, and think peace will come when we have finished the battle, not understanding if we stop and focus on our God of Peace we would have peace right where we are (check out my blog Stopped Dead in My Tracks part 1, dated September 12, if you would like an example).


I rejoice that no matter what is going on, God is willing and able to give me peace and all I have to do is to remember to focus on Him and accept His peace.


Blessings and Complete Joy,



Check out our monthly memory verse on the Equip page as well as a copy of SOAP a bible study method you can copy and print out for yourself.


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This blog is part of the ministry of Complete Joy and is published each Tuesday and Saturday, usually by noon Pacific Time.