Who is your God and Why?

31 10 2009

011012hubble_hits_11How do you answer this question: who is your God and why?

My God is the father of Jesus Christ, who created the universe, every planet and every star in existence and everyone and every thing on them; this is simple answer to who is my God. The simple answer to why is because I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ who saved me from my sin, because while I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me. To see more of what I was saved from please visit my blog called about Halloween on October 31, 2007.

This takes us deeper to who is Jesus, he was more then a man who 2000+ years, walked upon the earth and died upon a cross. There is something supernatural about this man, who was resurrected and seen walking upon the earth after his death. Not a normal occurrence. It is one thing to believe in reincarnation, (which I don’t) but true power is in the resurrection, which came through Christ who rose from the dead. Not a zombie, not a vampire or a werewolf.

He was a man who was without sin, unlike you and me, for he could control his humanness and did not have a sinful action throughout his life. I know some have said he was just a man with sinful desires. Yes, he had temptations, but he was able to keep them all in check, as seen when the devil himself tempted him as he returned from the desert, where God prepared him for his public ministry.

What was also amazing about Jesus was his desire to send a comforter to be with us, who we call the Holy Spirit, filling us with the presence of God and teaching us how to be men and women of integrity. With the Holy Spirit we can truly become world changers as Jesus was, and still is today.

Blessings and Complete Joy,


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This blog is part of the ministry of Complete Joy and is published each Tuesday and Saturday, usually by noon Pacific Time.