Strength to finish well

15 05 2010

 In these final days of caring for my daughter and her family I ask myself this question; do I have enough strength to finish well?  I want to run the race marked out for me Hebrews 12:1-3, (The full text is in the prior blog) but the more I struggle to please my daughter the more things go sideways.

            Who am I trying to please? I know the reality is that I want to please God, but pleasing the one in front of me is so much easier.

            In these final days, I have to keep my eyes focused on Christ, rather then trying to soothe the frustration that daily confronts me. A three year old grand-daughter who wants her mom to tuck her in at nap and get her up in the morning, and a daughter who wants to take care of her home and family and not need anyone to take care of her, while frustration grows every morning with my arrival, as they are confronted with the truth they still can’t have what they want.

            Then there is me, who wants to finish well, so I try harder which only drains my strength and makes the situation worse. What I must do is relax and do what is needed while remember we are all struggling to finish well. Soon “Mom” will be back on her feet and Nana will be back at home to visit on occasion where I will be greeted by smiles all around once again.

            So today’s lesson is this: keeping your eyes focused on Jesus the author and the perfector of your faith is the life line to having the strength to finishing well.

Blessings and Complete Joy,


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