Struggle to Believe

20 03 2012

I have been waiting for a new computer and in the last week I finally got it. Before getting my new PC a good friend and supporter of Complete Joy Ministries gave me a 17 inch flat screen monitor. It was smaller than I wanted but I was so thankful for she saved me $150 dollars so I deposited the monitor in my office closet as a reminder one day the new PC would come.


A week ago we got the new PC and when I picked up the monitor it seemed bigger but I didn’t think anything of it. For a week the computer and monitor sat in my husband’s office as he installed programs and got the PC ready for me to use.


The computer was now ready and as I moved the box, monitor and keyboard into my office. looking at it again I was sure the monitor was larger and thought only God could have done this? Struggling with this possible miracle I asked my husband, what was the monitor size, he said it was the size I wanted, 21 inches. Still not sure if the monitor was larger, I ask my friend to come look at the monitor and she remarked it is larger and then told me she knew she purchased a 17 inch monitor for it was all she could afford. The next day still struggling, I measured the monitor and it was still 21 inches.


My struggle wasn’t if God could do this, but rather, why would he do this because I was ok with the 17 inch monitor. Now instead of resting and enjoying my new PC I struggled to believe he really did enlarge the monitor by 4 inches? It seems so meaningless, yet each day I am faced with the truth of a miraculous God who will not only grow a man’s leg 4 inches but also a computer monitor. A God who hears and knows our hearts desires and he will move in miraculous ways when we lease expect it, just because he loves us!


God I thank you for the gift of a larger monitor, may it and the PC be used to your glory!


Blessings and Complete Joy,



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